Category A and B roads

This workshop is for a worker who assists with temporary traffic management (TTM) under direction (e.g. puts signs and cones out, assists with stop/go, driving activity).

This warrant is a prerequisite to the TMO.


The starting step for someone new to the industry.

We here at Hurford Traffic Management believe this is important to get these first steps right on someone's journey into the world of Temporary Traffic Management, and that those steps should be taken in a safe and correct way.

The way we are going to run these TTM Workers courses will ensure the safety of all participants as much as possible, undertaking risk assessments along the way.

The first part of the day will start in the classroom working through the theory parts of the Unit Standard 31958:  Explain the role of and operate as a TTM worker on the worksite under temporary traffic management. This should take 2-3 hours. 

The next part of the course involves completing some practical tasks in a protected environment.  These tasks will be done individually firstly to assess a person's competency and the safety of taking that person onto the road for the next stage.  These tasks will be installing and removing a sign safely and correctly, installing and removing a cone threshold, installing and removing a taper, installing cones around the working space and controlling alternating flow.  Some of this will involve a bit of pretending that vehicles are coming (even though it is a safe environment).  This is all practicing basic practical tasks, signs, cones and inspection activity plus managing the traffic and public and using good old fashioned communication - a huge part of traffic management.  Anyone who is deemed unsafe at this stage will not be allowed to continue on - this includes people playing the goat.

The last part of the course is to do all the tasks completed in the protected environment on a live road with real traffic.  We will travel from our venue to a suitable road environment to undertake this task.  

We believe the only safe way to do this is to have a full crew of competent staff available and assess each participant individually.  In other words there will only ever be 1 participant being observed, with all other parts of the work site being managed by competent individuals hired in.  There will never be 2 participants on each stop / go paddles with only 1 assessor or mentor present.  1 participant : 1 assessor or mentor is what our ratio will be.  We know this means a wee bit of standing around, but this is also the safest and accurate way to do this.  Would you let 2 participants on the paddles at the same time in a live traffic situation with only 1 assessor / mentor present?  The risk is too great.

Initially we will allow 4 participants to do this course at a time.  Once we get the best routine sorted we may expand this to 5 or 6 participants.

What you will need:

 - Hard toed (steel caps) lace up shoes / boots - no slip on shoes / boots allowed.  And they actually need to be done up.

 - Wet weather equipment if weather looks dodgy - we will not be providing this, and unless it is pouring down (or visibility has dropped and affecting safety) the course will go ahead.

 - Warm clothing - if it is cold we still go ahead.

 - Sun hats and protection if it is sunny.

Due to no physical work activity taking place we will not be requiring hard hats, however if this is your companies requirement please bring them.

 What we provide:

  - Compliant hi-vis garments.

 - Gloves to protect your hands.

 - We will also provide drinks throughout the day and a basic morning and afternoon tea plus lunch - bakery type food.

It would be handy to have a couple of vehicles to help get people to site, and once completed everyone can leave from there, or be brought back to the original venue.

Due to the costs involved in running a TTM Worker the full rate will be charged for no shows.  As explained above we have to hire people in - this comes at a rather large cost. 


This provides base STMS knowledge for the STMS category A, B or C learning blocks and the STMS Mobile learning block. The STMS Universal workshop is normally run in conjunction with a category A, B or C workshop or an STMS Mobile workshop.



Category A and B Roads

This warrant replaces the TC (Traffic Controller) warrant.  This provides base TMO knowledge and is a prerequisite for getting the STMS-U warrant.



Category A and B Roads

This warrant enables the holder, once briefed by the STMS in charge, to:

On category A roads

undertake a roadside activity where the vehicle is legally parked and accessed from the non-traffic side

On category A and B roads

set up, maintain and remove TTM for roadside or shoulder activities where all TTM equipment (including TTM vehicles) is outside the edgeline (or edge of seal if there is no edgeline)

maintain TTM at an existing static worksite when the in charge STMS is away from the worksite. The STMS must return to the worksite to carry out any required changes and removal

complete inspection activities

Note: the TMO warrant enables the holder to be in charge of and undertake inspection activities. They will not have to report to an STMS for the inspection activity.


This provides the base knowledge for working on category A road environments.

Who should complete the learning block?

Any person wishing to work on category A roads as an onsite STMS, or any person wishing to work on category A roads while fulfilling one of the following roles; Traffic Operations Manager, TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, TTM Trainer, TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator or Corridor Manager.




This provides the base knowledge for working on category B road environments.

Who should complete the learning block?

Any person wishing to work on category B roads as an onsite STMS, or any person wishing to work on category B roads while fulfilling one of these roles; Traffic Operations Manager, TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, TTM Trainer, TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator or Corridor Manager.




This provides the base knowledge for working on category C road environments.

Who should complete the learning block?

Any person wishing to work on category C roads as an onsite STMS, or any person wishing to work on category C roads while fulfilling one of these roles; Traffic Operations Manager, TTM Mentor, TTM Assessor, TTM Trainer, TTM Planner, TMP Approver, TTM Auditor, Traffic Management Coordinator or Corridor Manager.




This provides the base knowledge for undertaking mobile operations on either category A and B road environments or on the shoulder of category C road environments.

This learning block is not appropriate if the person is required to be in charge of mobile operations to install, maintain or remove TTM at static worksites. The STMS category A, B or C learning blocks cover this activity.

Who should complete the learning block?

Any person wishing to complete mobile operations as an onsite STMS.

This warrant is not appropriate if the person is required to be in charge of mobile operations to install, maintain or remove TTM at static worksites.

This person cannot install static worksites within the lane. BOOK HERE »



Practical Component

The practical component will be made up of 3 various closures (2 for verification and 1 to be assessed).  See attached table.  Please note that refresher STMS only need to do an assessment - no verification is required (unless they would like unit standards).

If you wish to work on A, B and C roads you will need to complete this for each category of road
























Note - Your practicing date will match your theory date.  ie if you do your NP course on 19 April 2021 and then do the practical assessment in May, your NP & P warrant will expire 19.04.24.  

Categories explained 

Category A - Low speed (under 65kms)

Category B - High speed (over 65kms) two-way, two lane roads

Category C - High speed (over 65kms) multi-lane roads


This provides the base knowledge for completing inspection activities in category A and B road environments and on the shoulder of category C road environments (including but not limited to observations, traffic counts and litter collection).  It also covers Roadside Activities for category A road environment (including but not limited to checking roadside cabinets and terminals, mowing a berm and cleaning bus stop shelters).

Who should complete the learning block?

Any person wishing to conduct inspection activities and who does not need to hold other TTM warrants.

This may include surveyors, provided their work fits within the range of inspection activities.

Staff who are regularly involved in the installation of TTM which may include inspecting or carrying out non-invasive work, are not eligible for the Inspector warrant and must hold the appropriate TTM warrant.



1 - Undertake an Inspection activity on the lane of a category A road

a) Follow company and copttm requirements and use safe work practices to undertake inspection activity on the lane of Cat A environment

b) complete an onsite record for the task.

2 - Undertake an Inspection activity outside of the live lane of a category B road

a) Follow company and copttm requirements and use safe work practices to undertake inspection activity on the lane of Cat B environment

b) complete an onsite record for the task.


Hurford Traffic Management