All theory qualifications are valid for three years upon which time a refresher is required if you wish to remain qualified. This is due to CoPTTM being a “live” document that is updated regularly, and also to maintain knowledge and safe behaviours within a reasonably high risk industry.
If the refresher is not undertaken within 1 year of the expiry date, then the full course will be required again.
For TC qualifications, the person just needs to do the TMO-NP course and Practical Assessment to requalify.
For STMS please refer to the below diagram.
Once a qualification has expired, no work in the role of managing the temporary traffic management is allowed.
The expiry date for the practical assessment aligns with the theory date. Additionally, to maintain being a practicing STMS the theory course has to be completed every three years along with either a ROPE (Recognition of Previous Experience) form or every second time around a new practical assessment.
Upon reaching a higher qualification that overrides all other previously achieved qualifications and covers all the qualifications lower than the level achieved. There is no need to refresh at a lower level. So for example a STMS will never need to do a TMO course again.
All theory qualifications are valid for 3 years upon which time a refresher is required if you wish to remain qualified. This is due to COPTTM being a “live” document that is updated regularly, and also to maintain knowledge and safe behaviours within a reasonably high risk industry.
If the refresher is not undertaken within 1 year of the expiry date, then the full course will be required again.
For TC qualifications, the person just needs to redo the TC course again to re-qualify.
Once a qualification has expired, no work in the role of managing the temporary traffic management is allowed.
The expiry date for the practical assessment aligns with the theory date. Additionally, to maintain being a practicing STMS the theory course has to be completed every three years along with either a ROPE (Recognition of Previous Experience) form or every second time around a new practical assessment.
Upon reaching a higher qualification that over rides all other previously achieved qualifications and covers all the qualifications lower than the level achieved. There is no need to refresh at a lower level. So for example a Level 1 STMS will never need to do a TC course again, a Level 2/3 STMS-NP will never need to do a Level 1 STMS course again.